Honestly, I’m still learning this. I’m still working on allowing my Powerful Self to be here.
Sometimes I feel scared.
That I will be judged and ridiculed by others (maybe it comes from myself?)
Sometimes I feel weak and worthless.
Other times, and All of the times that got me started in the first place:
I feel so courageous that I blaze through whatever stands before me.
I feel an internal Lion Courage. The one who stands tall, with feet firmly planted below.
☝🏽 She’s the one I’m bringing more often into this life. And yea, I fully embrace the other times too. They all belong to me.
Accepting our Shadow and Light.
Duality, our greatest Teacher.
As much, and however many times we fall into the Shadows - remember that our Powerful Self is Always and Will Always Be There.
Much Love,